Friday, January 30, 2009

i went 2 skool 2day. yay. i hate going bak 2 skool after uv ben sick. ur friends always ask u where u were, so u have to say "i was sick" like 100 times. i hate it. my friend walter told me he got hockey gloves for $120. he was excited. i didnt really care.  ummmmmmm my friend was supposed 2 call me back like 3 hrs. ago, but she didnt. its o.k. i still love her! i had so much homework 2day that i broke my back. LITERALLY! i have a concert 2maro. wish me luck! (jk)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

hi. 2day and yesterday i hav ben sick. it sucks. i missd skool 2day and yesterday. i wached ANTM for like 6 hrs. yesterday i wachd The Real Housewives of Orange County 4 like 5 hrs. im bored. 2maro i hav 2g2 skool. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i had spaget. 4 dinner, again. it had chicken in it though. im not really exciting.

Friday, January 16, 2009

no skool!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

hey! we're having spaget. for dinner!!!(haha)......inside joke! gym wuz amazing 2day. we played a really dumb game but my team wuz awesome!!except for patrick!!!(hehe) my team wuz: me, emily, kelly, sydney, megan, claire, omar, george, and.......patrick! i no u dont no who those ppl are, but they're AMAZING!(except for patrick) well..................BYE

Monday, January 12, 2009

hey!! 2day i didnt go 2 skool bcuz..........thats a very long story and a little personal but anyway, we went shopping 2day and i went 2 AE, aerie, and delia's. it wuz amazing(thats my fav. word) we went to CPK(California Pizza Kitchen) and we (me and my mom) go a salad, soup, and uhh sandwich. btw, to the ppl who asked me to add them, i would but i dont no how 2 so i will once i learn how to do it!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


2day is new years day!:)
im really bored