Monday, February 9, 2009

sooooo At activity night ,which was awesome, we were dancing and this kinda cute guy named Sam came up and was like, "Hi, im Sam!" we were like "hi" b/c we thought he was being funny. so we were dancing and then we went to like the bathroom  and when we came back to the cafeteria, he found us again and started dancing again. then, when they do the like draw or something for like candy he sat next to us and asked me if i could be his valentine. (it was so cute, so i said yes) then he told me his little sister in my grade was Nathalie, so i started like freaking out b/c i knew his sister and was kinda friends w/ her!  and when we were walking out he was like "do you want a hug valentine?" and then he gave me a hug! i thought it was pretty funny and kinda cute, but 2day i didnt see him at all, so i think he was kidding. so my life is kinda confusing right now. 


  1. Awwww! thats so cute, but i think he should of did better then that!! anyways guys are confusing!(especially when u get to highschool)they JUST DONT GET THE POINT about anything especially when they like u and u hint them a million times ur not interested! UGH! I love ur little personnal stories!!:D

  2. thx! but i think it was just a joke or something or maybe he was high! hehe b/c i saw him this morning and he didn't even say anything! its ok though, he was an eighth grader!
